Friday, August 21, 2015

CakePHP 3.0.12 released

The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 3.0.12. This is a maintenance release for the 3.0 branch that fixes a couple bugfixes and small enhancements.


You can expect the following changes in 3.0.12. See the
[changelog]( for every commit.

* `RuleChecker::existsIn()` handles nullable fields better.
* Entities created by plugin associations have the correct return value for `source()`
* Case statements accept literal values now.
* Methods defined on Controller can never be used as actions. Before, methods redefined on AppController, or a subclass could be invoked as actions.
* Plugin dot syntax can no longer be used to reference controllers in URLs.
* `LocaleSelectorFilter` no longer sets the default locale. Instead it sets the active locale.
* AuthComponent correctly redirects when an application is in a subdirectory.


* `Query::orderAsc()` and `Query::orderDesc()` were added. These methods make it possible to order on complex expressions.
* `PaginatorHelper::next()` and `prev()` accept a `templates` option now.
* The serialization format for `Time` objects can now be set with `Time::setJsonEncodeFormat()`.

Download a [packaged release on github](

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