Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Re: Domain Layer of the Domain Drive Design and CakePHP

You can use any other folder name in Cake2 as well, just used App::uses() instead of the namespaces. But if your php version supports namespaces you can use them in Cake2 as well. Just tell the PSR autoloader where they are.

On Monday, September 28, 2015 at 6:30:19 PM UTC+2, gersonfs wrote:
Thank's Florian, it seems to make sense. As I am still not using cake3, I thought of using "libs" because the App class allows loading of these.

Em sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015 10:25:05 UTC-3, Florian Krämer escreveu:
Read the first two answers here:

I wouldn't call it lib, if you go for Cake3 just create a new namespace "App\Domain" and put your classes into that folder, maybe following a convention like other things as well. For example "ReservationsDomain.php".

Check the ModelAwareTrait you could create a DomainAware trait that instantiates the Domains in your controllers as needed and automatically passes the request object to your domain objects.

On Friday, September 25, 2015 at 2:36:18 PM UTC+2, gersonfs wrote:

Where the domain layer would fit better in a CakePHP APP? Models I believe it would not. It would be a generic PHP Class into a "Lib"?


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