Sunday, February 28, 2010

AppModel schizophrenia

I have several models for which I want to list the latest entries in a
sidebar. All models have a title & slug, so to keep from repeating
code, I've put the method in AppModel.


public function getLatest($limit = 10)
$filters = array(
'limit' => $limit,
'order' => $this->alias . '.created DESC',
'fields' => array(
$this->alias . '.id',
$this->alias . '.created',
$this->alias . '.title',
$this->alias . '.slug'
'recursive' => -1

return $this->find('all', $filters);

default layout:

echo $this->element('news_items/latest', array('cache'=>'1 day'));
echo $this->element('posts/latest', array('cache'=>'1 day'));
echo $this->element('galleries/latest', array('cache'=>'1 day'));


$latest_galleries = $this->requestAction('/galleries/getlatest/5');


public function getLatest($limit)
return $this->Post->getLatest($limit);


public function getLatest($limit)
return $this->Gallery->getLatest($limit);

(caching is disabled, btw, and everything has been deleted from tmp/
cache, anyway)

This works just fine except that the find() for Gallery is always
selecting from the posts table!

SELECT `Gallery`.`id`, `Gallery`.`created`, `Gallery`.`title`,
FROM `posts` AS `Gallery`
WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY `Gallery`.`created` DESC LIMIT 5

There's absolutely nothing in Gallery model that mentions Post. When I
save a Gallery, it's saved to the galleries table. Likewise, fetching
for the index or view actions is all correct. The problem only shows
up with these elements. And, if I re-order the elements in any way, I
get the same result--always the Gallery results are fetched from the
posts table.

If I remove the call to the posts element from the layout, the
galleries element is still wrong.

And notice that $this->alias is correct--'Gallery'--but the table is

I've checked that the requestAction() does correctly call the
GalleriesController. The trouble seems to be with the model.

Ring any bells?

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