Sunday, August 1, 2010

$hasOne - multiple referencing the same model / alias association


I've got a helpdesk application that's being converted to CakePHP and
I'm trying to reference a model more than once from within a parent
model, in this case the Message model references the User model twice
- once for sender, once for reciever.

According to the Cookbook, as I have a one-to-one database
relationship (one user has one sender and one user has one reciever) I
need the $hasOne, though I've also tried using the $belongsTo with the
same amount of success.

I've implimented according to the cookbook:

The error is that the foreignKey is being applied to the aliased
JOINed 'child' table, not the parent table. I get the error (note
I've removed some of the detail):

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'Sender.sender_id' in
'on clause' [CORE/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo_source.php, line
Code | Context
$out = null;
if ($error) {
trigger_error('<span style="color:Red;text-
align:left"><b>' . __('SQL Error:', true) . "</b> {$this->error}</
span>", E_USER_WARNING);
$sql = "SELECT `Message`.`id`, `Message`.`sender_id`,
`Message`.`receiver_id`, `Sender`.`id`, `Sender`.`name`,
`Recipient`.`id`, `Recipient`.`name` FROM `messages` AS `Message` LEFT
JOIN `users` AS `Sender` ON (`Sender`.`sender_id` = `Message`.`id`)
LEFT JOIN `users` AS `Recipient` ON (`Recipient`.`recipient_id` =
`Message`.`id`) WHERE 1 = 1 ORDER BY `name` ASC LIMIT 10"
$error = "1054: Unknown column 'Sender.sender_id' in 'on
$out = null

My d/b structure (abridged):

Table Message
id int autonumber,
sender_id int,
recipient_id int

Table User
id int autonumber,
name varchar(100)

My code:
class Message extends AppModel
var $name = 'Message';
var $validate = array(
// Not relevant

var $hasOne = array(
'Sender' => array( // Alias name
'className' => 'User', // Class of model to link to
'dependent' => false, // No dependancies
'foreignKey' => 'sender_id' // field name in Message table
'Receiver' => array(
'className' => 'User',
'dependent' => false,
'foreignKey' => 'receiver_id'

var $hasMany = array
// Not relevant

var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
// Not relevant

What am I doing wrong, in particular how can I tell CakePHP that the
foreign key is in the primary table, not the JOINed tables?

Thanks in advance,


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