Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How would I do this project best in CakePHP?

Hi all,

   I'd like some advice/direction on this.  I'm fairly new to Cake, so this would be very much appreciated.  Basically, I have this assignment at work (oh yeah, CakePHP will be our framework as we're going along in our department, something I'm not 100% familiar), where you have a website that shows a list of names (last name and first name) and 3 code that mean something to the person searching for the person.  It's a list of teachers.

   Now, there will be 3 roles, Users, Editors and Admins.  Users can view data (no sign on is necessary). Editors can do what a User can do and add new names to the list, delete them and update them (there is a requirement that you should be able to 'Enable' and 'Disable' teachers, essentially they are not shown when searched for).  The Admin can do what an Editor can do, add new Editors to the system and make the existing Editors also Admins (need to guard against an Admin from getting rid of his own privileges if he's the only one).

   Now, I don't expect anyone to do this for me (what, you think I'm going to let someone else have the fun :-) ?)  But the current tutorial seems not really close to what I wanna do and since I'm not too familiar with CakePHP and how it works, I'd like some pointers on this or -- even better -- a tutorial that's similar to what I am trying to do.

   I'm already sketching out how the database will look as a start.

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