Tuesday, January 24, 2012

my domain on shared host justhost is not displaying flash messages

My domain on the shared host is not displaying any flash messages. It
is displaying fine on my local server. I have the following in the

function add(){

$this->Session->setFlash('Your child\'s admission has been
received. We will send you an email shortly.');

I have the following in default.ctp(the layout file) and add.ctp:

echo $this->Session->flash();

the /app/tmp folder and all the folders within that have the
permission 777.

I had also put debug($this->Session->read()); in the
students_controller and it is giving:

[_Token] => a:5:{s:3:"key";s:
[Message] => Array

[flash] => Array
[message] => Your child's admission has been
received. We will send you an email shortly.
[element] => default
[params] => Array




In app_controller.php:

var $helpers = array('Html','Form','Ajax','Javascript','Session');
var $components=array('Auth','Session','Cookie');

In core.php, I've tried setting:
Configure::write('debug', 0); instead of Configure::write('debug',
Configure::write('Session.save', 'cake'); instead of
Configure::write('Session.save', 'php');

I have no blank spaces after or before <?php and ?> in routes.php.

Can someone help me out? What mistake am I making?

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