Saturday, November 24, 2012

Solution for CakePHP newbies who are stuck with messages like - Error: PostController could not be found

I struggled with the problems described in messages from new CakePHP users.  The Cake install looked OK, but when I went through the Blog Adding a Layer tutorial I'd get these kinds of messages.

Error: PostController could not be found
Error: Create the class PostController below in file: app/Controller/PostsController.php

After reading lots of threads, going through the tutorial again and again, reinstalling, checking mod_rewrite, etc., I finally figured it out.  So hopefully this will help others.

The Cakewalk tutorials omit to mention that the php files need to start with <?php, and the snippets don't include the beginning. I assumed that this was correct - part of the Cakewalk process. And also discovered that the php files that start with <?php don't finish with ?>.

When I added the <?php to the beginning of relevant files in the tutorial, everything started working!  I've been able to finish the tutorial and even extend it a little.

Onward and upward.

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