Sunday, October 6, 2013

Re: noobie- help with cake blog tutorial - Error PostsController could not be found

To me it seems like your CakePHP setup is incorrect.
What is your document root set to in the Apache config file?

I would asume it was set to:

That path is the root of your blog application.

Also, please show us the tree structure of your "app" folder.

Enjoy, John

On Friday, 4 October 2013 00:49:57 UTC+3, Frank Thomson wrote:
I am running WAMP server on my windows 8 laptop.
I have cake installed and the test screen shows up as OK.
There is more detail on that on my personal blog here

I am trying to follow the blog tutorial from the cake web site

The problem I get is that when I try

I get and get a page full of errors (see below)
Error: PostsController could not be found.
Error: Create the class PostsController below in file: app\controller\PostsController.php

I believe that I have followed the tutorial accurately.  Again I have documented it step by step on my blog.

Any suggestions on what I can do to track this issue down.

Thanks in advance.

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