Wednesday, January 15, 2014

advice on cakephp application design.

I am really a new to cakephp development. I've got a design question and would like to get some ideas before i jump and start building application. the reason why i ask this question is so that i do not have to revisiting and keep changing code in future. I think start with best practice is better idea.

The web application is for a big corporation and each child companies under that corporation have same deparments/business units ie. customer, sales, publication, production. one child company can not see data from another child company. so at this stage my query is should I build build separate replicated apps, each represent one child company connecting to different database. if so then data aggregation would be a big job in terms of running overall reports. the other option is to build one big application and display/hide data based on the user logged in (user and location of the company). 

for example when a user from New York publication department login in to the system, user can only see (CRUD) data related to publication model and associated model for New York region. against when user from London production department logs in he/she can only view data related to production line in London. At the same time when an admin user logs in he has complete visibility of data/information across different location and different department. so basically two layers locations and departments/user groups. I read about cake ACL and i think i can help but being a new bee too difficult to understand and grasp the concept. 

If someone can point me a right direction that would be really helpful.

Thanks in advance. 

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