Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Re: Grouping Api controllers in a seperate sub directory

Thank you Jeremy, I'll give it a try the way it is explained in the article.

But more generally, do you have any idea why this subdirectory structure is not working? I did exactly what is mentioned in the doc.

On Wednesday, July 2, 2014 11:10:18 AM UTC+1, Jeremy Burns wrote:
It's simpler than that. Each controller function can act as an API method, so leave the folder structure as it is.You can detect the json extension by using the RequestHandler component and adding Router::setExtensions(array('json')); near the bottom of routes.php. Then you can call /controller/action/variable.json and it'll be handled as json - et voila you have an api.

If you want to reach them using a separate URL (/api/function_name.json) then using admin routing with an 'api' route. Then you api methods would have an api prefix (e.g. api_index) and would be reached via /api/controller/action/variable.json.

Here's a good article that explains it much better: It's actually about ajax, but the set up and principles are very close.

On 2 Jul 2014, at 10:49, Hatem Ben Raïs <> wrote:


I have an app which requires some Api to expose its services. I am trying to group all the Api related controllers in a directory as explained in the doc here :

So :
1- I created a /app/Controller/Api folder and moved the controllers in it.
2- added this code to my bootstrap.php : App::build(array('Controller' => array( DS . 'app' . DS . 'Controller', DS . 'app' . DS . 'Controller' . DS . 'Api',), ));

When I try to call one of the actions I get an error saying the controller cannot be found :


{"code":404,"name":"Controller class ArticlesController could not be found.","message":"Controller class ArticlesController could not be found.","url":"\/XXXX\/api\/articles.json"}

Anyone can help me figuring out what is missing please? The doc seems so clear...


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