Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Re: SQL Cartesian Product with CakePHP find

Left join won't bring me the same results, as I said this isn't a join, I am forcing the query to bring me the prdoduct between t1 and t2 and in this case I will always have all the possible combination among this tables. Using left join, I can have null on right table (t2) if a record doesn't exists.

I guess only with CakePHP 3 I will be able to do something like this.

By the way, in the new ORM in CakePHP 3.x am I be able to use "union" statement or a bit more complex "select" and use paginator component without need of customize it?

Thanks again,


2015-02-02 21:22 GMT-02:00 José Lorenzo <jose.zap@gmail.com>:
You can do a LEFT join, and get the sae results

On Monday, February 2, 2015 at 6:26:56 AM UTC-4:30, Gildonei Mendes Anacleto Junior wrote:

How could I do a cartesian product with 2 different tables in CakePHP 2.x ?

SELECT t1.id, t1.field, t2.id, td.field
FROM table1 AS t1,
(SELECT t2.id, t2.field FROM table2) AS t2
WHERE t1.id >= 10

note this isn't a join, I need these cartesian product to apply another filter conditions.

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