Monday, February 1, 2010

Re: disabling cache when a user is logged

On Jan 31, 11:32 am, Lorenzo Bettini <> wrote:
> Hi
> in my AppController I've enabled cache for view and index actions and
> they work fine.
> Now, I'd like to disable cache when a user is logged, since in that case
> additional information are shown that must not be cached.
> Thus I added the method
>         function beforeRender() {
>                 if ($this->is_logged_user()) {
>                         // disable cache when the user is logged, since some information
>                         // must NOT be cached, e.g., private papers
>                         $this->cacheAction = array();
>                 }
>         }
> where is_logged_user is a function that checks whether a user is logged.
> This works in the sense that no cache is used when a user is browsing
> the site.  However, if the user visits an action page which has already
> been cached then he will get the cached page, which I want to avoid as
> well...  is there a way to avoid this?
> I've also tried with $this->disableCache() but that does not work.
> The only solution I see is to clear the cache, but I'd want to avoid that...

Why not change the cached view folder (in the bootstrap) based on the
presence or not of a session cookie.

OR directly use if appropriate



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