Sunday, May 1, 2011

[phpXperts] jhoroTEK looking for programmers


jhoroTEK is looking for full-time and part-time programmers in urgent basis.
  1. For the post of Programmer, the following criteria are required:
    • Required Skills: PHP5, JavaScript, CSS, XHTML
    • In-depth knowledge of object oriented programming
    • Framework: Codeigniter & Drupal (optional)
    • Scripting Library: jQuery
    • Good idea over UI design and tableless design
    • ACM programming experience will be highly valued
2. The following skills will be required for the post of Drupal Trainee. If you are not experienced with Drupal, our team is ready to train you up.
    • Good understanding on how web server works
    • Proper knowledge of PHP5. At least s/he should have done 2 or 3 projects in PHP
    • Must have good knowledge in HTML, JavaScript and CSS
    • Most importantly s/he should have the eagerness to learn
  • Salary will be negotiable depending on the expertise
  • Send the resume/CV to
So, please refer us some interested, enthusiastic personnel who will be a part of the team.

Md. Sharif Muktadir 
            Ph# 880-1714133069

Contact me: Google Talk/ Skype/jhoroTEK

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