Sunday, May 1, 2011

Re: [phpXperts] Re: need solution of FCKeditor - Forbidden and 404 Errors launching Image/File Browser


Dear Mr. Russell,

Thanks for your mail.

Its working in local machine but problem on remote server.

please send me the solution.


Md. Ashraf Jahan (Adil)

--- On Fri, 29/4/11, Russell <> wrote:

From: Russell <>
Subject: [phpXperts] Re: need solution of FCKeditor - Forbidden and 404 Errors launching Image/File Browser
Received: Friday, 29 April, 2011, 6:45 PM


Hello Adil,

I think you missed one configuration file. for security reason and to prevent anyone to upload files into the server Authentication function returns false.

Now just make the authentication true and you will able to upload files and will also able to access image/file browser.

--- In, Ashraf Jahan <adil_177@...> wrote:
> Dear Expert,
> The error you see in the pop-up that should be the file browser is:
> Forbidden
> You don't have permission to access /fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/browser.html on this server.
> Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
> I need the solution.
> Thanks,
> Md. Ashraf Jahan (Adil)+88-01819871783

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