Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Re: Save should not be saving but...

On Tuesday, 27 March 2012 03:35:58 UTC+2, rockbust wrote:

I still cant figure it out???

Your code has quite a few odd bits in it.

1) Why do

    $track_array = explode("/",$this->params['url']['url'])

Instead of

    function open_track( $meaningful, $names) {

Routes are there to be used

2) why do

    $check = 'true';

instead of

    $check = true;

I'm not sure what the loop is for, or what $check means - code should be readable.

3) why do

if($check != 'true'){

instead of


unclear why check is a string or what it in fact means.

Finally) If it doesn't work as you expect when you call it several times, what is it you're expecting it to do AND what is it actually doing?


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