Monday, March 26, 2012

Re: Troubleshooting the CakeDC TinyMCE helper plugin.

I'm having further issues with this plugin, now on CakePHP 2.1.1.

In much the same setup as above, I have a fresh git clone of the master branch of CakePHP (same issue on 2.0 too), all configured correctly in terms of core.php and database.php, a minimal database has been created and models, controllers and views all successfully baked.

I've cloned TinyMCE plugin (2.0 branch) from github into app/Plugin/TinyMCE and added "CakePlugin::loadAll();" to Config/bootstrap.php, and receive the following error if I refresh the web page (/users/):

( ! ) Fatal error: Class 'Debugger' not found in /var/www/cakephp/app/Plugin/TinyMCE/View/Helper/TinyMCEHelper.php on line 95
Call Stack
#    Time    Memory    Function    Location
1    0.0002    136504    {main}( )    ../index.php:0
2    0.0159    975180    Dispatcher->dispatch( )    ../index.php:96
3    0.0354    1408368    Dispatcher->_invoke( )    ../Dispatcher.php:85
4    0.0618    2906960    Controller->render( )    ../Dispatcher.php:110
5    0.0640    3052460    View->render( )    ../Controller.php:959
6    0.0640    3052660    View->loadHelpers( )    ../View.php:456
7    0.0762    3636556    HelperCollection->load( )    ../View.php:850
8    0.0762    3636844    class_exists ( )    ../HelperCollection.php:82
9    0.0762    3637024    App::load( )    ../HelperCollection.php:0
10    0.0765    3659176    ErrorHandler::handleError( )    ../HelperCollection.php:558

Line 95 is the TinyMCEHelper class closing brace "}".

Can't think that I've done anything to cause this but I may have NOT done something I should. As ever, all help appreciated.

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