Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Re: Would PHP 5.3 stop cake cron job working?

Without a bit more detail, I would guess that the new PHP 5.3 does not
have mail setup by default and from a hosting service this usually
requires a request before they will enable it.
You can check that if you have ssh access to the server console by
inspecting the php.ini
Look for the setting for mail or smtp.

You should also see some messages in the log file for php/apache
indicating the function you are trying to use is unavailable or not

On Mar 26, 10:51 am, sarahlou <sa...@hexagonwebworks.com> wrote:
> I have a site (originally built back in 2009) with a couple of cron
> jobs for order notification emails. The site is running CakePHP
> version
> After the hosting server was upgraded to PHP 5.3, the cron jobs appear
> to have stopped working (they still run, but no email is sent). The
> website itself is still functioning ok.
> Is this likely to be a conflict between the Cake version & PHP 5.3.
> Does anyone have any advice as to the best way around this?
> Many thanks,
> Sarah

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