Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Re: CakePHP with UserMgmt Plugin

I put the code here:

Il giorno mercoledì 2 luglio 2014 13:13:23 UTC+2, Alessandro Pellegrini ha scritto:

In CakePHP I have this configuration:

//Config/routes.php  Router::connect('/viewServices', array('plugin' => 'usermgmt', 'controller' => 'services', 'action' => 'viewServices'));    //View/Users/dashboard.ctp  <?php echo $this->Html->link(__("Services",true),"/viewServices")?>    //View/Services/view_services.ctp  //I put here the view..    //Controller/ServicesController.php  public function viewServices(){  ....  }

Now I can't understand the reason why it doesn't works!

I can't see the "view_services.ctp". The server redirects me to the "access_denied.ctp" page, but in the "view_services.ctp" I didn't put any control about the authentication, so maybe I'm doing other errors.
 I have a really similar function that works using manageServices instead of viewServices, manage_services.ctp instead of view_services.ctp with the correct line in the routes.php..
I Only add in manage_services.ctp this code:
<?php if ($this->UserAuth->getGroupName()=='Admin') { ?>

And it works! I'm going crazy!

Can somebody helps me?


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