Tuesday, September 2, 2014

cakephp how to find a field that is joined by related tables

I am new to cakephp and having problem in solving the Class and Subject

I have three tables:

**studclass** **subjectclass** **subject**
id id id
class_name studclassID(foreignKey)

(Studclass Model)

public $hasMany = array(
'ClassSubjects' => array(
'className' => 'SubjectClass',
'foreignKey' => 'classID',
(Subject Model)

public $hasMany = array(
'SubjectsClass' => array(
'className' => 'SubjectClass',
'foreignKey' => 'subjectID',
(SubjectClass Model)

public $belongsTo = array(
'Studclass' => array(
'className' => 'Studclass',
'foreignKey' => 'classID'
'Subject' => array(
'className' => 'Subject',
'foreignKey' => 'subjectID'
Array Generated by Studclass View:

'Sclass' => array(
'id' => '1',
'class_name' => 'BCA1'
'ClassSubjects' => array(
(int) 0 => array(
'id' => '1',
'subjectID' => '1',
'classID' => '1'
(int) 1 => array(
'id' => '2',
'subjectID' => '2',
'classID' => '1'
(int) 2 => array(
'id' => '3',
'subjectID' => '3',
'classID' => '1'

so what I want is instead of SubjectID in Studclass view I want to display
subject_name.....can any one help me how to do that...I am new to cakephp
and having hard time dealing with it...Thanks in advance

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