Thursday, February 19, 2015

how can i return to page with same search filters


In cakephp I can add search filters and change the post vars into Get as below. This works fine. My problem is how do go to another page found from the list of searches and return to the same page? All search filters are gone when i return as I am not storing them.

eg I search for invoice 2 and get a list of searches. i click on link from the search and view a page. I then want to return to the same page with same page number for invoice 2?

if (($this->request->is('post') ||$this->request->is('put'))&& isset($this->request->data['filter'])) {

       $filter_url['controller'] = $this->request->params['controller'];         $filter_url['action'] = $this->request->params['action'];         $filter_url['page'] = 1;    // for each filter we will add a GET parameter for the generated url  foreach($this->data['Filter'] as $name => $value){     if($value){         $filter_url[$name] = urlencode($value);     }  }     //Post params are now GET paramaters  return $this->redirect($filter_url);         }//isset   

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