Tuesday, March 25, 2014

CakePHP 2.5.0-beta Released

The CakePHP core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 2.5.0-beta[1]. This is the first beta release for the 2.5 branch. The 2.5.0-beta release contains several new features that improve CakePHP's performance, security and ease of use. When done, this new version will replace the 2.4.x branch. A migration guide is provided in the book [2] and we encourage you to read it if you are upgrading from an older version.

### New features

While the migration guide[2] contains all the changes in 2.5.0, here are a few we are excited about.

#### Cache::remember()

This method allows you to implement read-through cache operations. For the passed cached key, it will first look for any cached data that is still valid. If not found, a callback method will be executed and its return value stored under the cache key.

You will find this useful for reducing the amount of repetitive code around checking for cache misses.

#### Improved Memcached support

A new Cache engine has been added to provide support for the php extension ext/memcached, which is the faster and better supported extension for utilizing this popular key-value database. In introducing this new adapter, we have deprecated the old Memcache engine and plan for its removal in 3.0.

#### CompletionShell

For shell environments that support command completion such as bash and zsh, we have provided a cake shell that will help you get command and options completion for your cake shells by hitting the tab key. If you have ever wondered what shells are available, or what options they can take, this might be for you. Make sure to check the documentation for more information on how to set this up.

#### Security::encrypt() and AES encrypted cookies

If for any reason you are storing data in cookies that should not be changed by the user, you can now use AES encrypted cookies. This utilizes the new AES-256 encryption offered by the Security class to prevent various classes of attacks, such as cookie tampering.

#### Consistent priorities in global and local events

One limitation in previous CakePHP versions was that listeners attached to the global EventManager would always be called before any other local listeners, despite the priorities. CakePHP 2.5 unifies the priority queue between global and local event listeners. With a single unified set of priorities, you can implement more complex and complete aspect oriented programs.

The API docs[3] and cookbook have been updated to reflect the changes and updates for 2.5.0.

The CakePHP core team would also like to welcome Brian Crowe (bcrowe) to the team. Brian has been actively improving the cookbook, API docs and code during the development of 2.5, and 3.0.

A huge thanks to all involved in terms of both contributions through commits, tickets, documentation edits, and those whom have otherwise contributed to the framework.

### Links

* [1] https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/releases/2.5.0-beta
* [2] http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/appendices/2-5-migration-guide.html
* [3] http://api.cakephp.org/2.5

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