Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cakephp 2.4.4 extending ModelValidator?

Is there a way to extend the ModelValidator?

I know you can do things like this in the controllers:

public $helpers = array(
// Core Helpers
'Session', 'Time',
'Html' => array('className' => 'Utilities.HtmlExt'),
'Paginator' => array('className' => 'Utilities.PaginatorExt'),
'Form' => array('className' => 'Utilities.FormExt' ),

Is there a way to do this with ModelValidator?
My goal is to catch the validation error messages, and the posted data which I can with the callback, afterValidate().
However, it doesn't give me the actual validation name (e.g. 'notEmpty', 'alphaNumeric'), or the particular settings for this validation rule.

If I can't extend/overload the class instance, can is there another way to grab the above information without having to look for the message in the settings?
I can't rely on the message , because it can change based on how the message failed. Example:

class EquipmentDetail extends AppModel

public $validate = array(
'mac_address' => array(
'alphaNumeric'   => array(
'rule'       => 'alphaNumeric',
'required'   => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
'message'    => 'This field is required, and only allows numbers and letters. (you may have a space at the end of the string).',
'Rule_MacAddress' => array(
'rule' => 'Rule_MacAddress',
'required'   => true,
'allowEmpty' => false,
//'on'=> 'create',
//                'message'    => 'This must be a unique value, there may already be a record with this MAC address.',

// ....

public function Rule_MacAddress($check)
return __('The MAC Address isn\'t set.');
= $check['mac_address'];
= strtoupper(trim($mac_address));
if($mac_address == 'TBD') return true;
// check to make sure it's a mac address using the Extractor Behavior
= $this->EX_discoverType($check['mac_address']);
if($type != 'mac')
return __('The given MAC Address isn\'t detected as a valid MAC Address. (0-9, A-F, no : or -)');
// check to make sure it's unique
if(!$exists = $this->findByMacAddress($mac_address))
return true;
return __('This must be a unique value, there may already be a record with this MAC Address.');


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