Tuesday, October 6, 2015

CakePHP 3.1.1 Released

The CakePHP core team is happy to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 3.1.1. This is a maintenance release for the 3.1 branch that fixes bugs and includes small enhancements.


You can expect the following changes in 3.1.1. See the [changelog](http://cakephp.org/changelogs/3.1.1) for every commit.

* `Query::contain()` now correctly overwrites existing containments when `$override` is true.
* Integration tests no longer swallow database errors stemming from missing tables or other low level issues. Instead these errors are bubbled up making the test failure obvious.
* RequestHandlerComponent no longer overwrites explict viewClass usage.
* Fixed dependencies for database package.
* Email construction with a profile name works as expected now.
* Plural form of 'virus' is now 'viruses'.
* Deprecation warnings related to ViewBuilder have been improved.
* `Validation::datetime()` now correctly handles 12:xx PM with 12 hour formats.
* JsonView serializes single variables more consistently now. Now if a single view var is set it's inferred as `'_serialize' => ['var']` instead of `'_serialize' => 'var'`.
* IntegrationTestCase accepts POST bodies that are strings.


* `env()` has an additional parameter for supplying default values.
* `Request::env()` has an additional parameter for supplying default values.
* Improved API documentation.
* Console logging now abides the `--verbose` and `--quiet` flags.
* `Validator::requirePresence()` accepts a callable to determine whether or not a field is required.
* `Validation::containsNonAlphaNumeric()` was added.
* `Hash::extract()` works with ArrayAccess objects now.

Download a [packaged release on github](https://github.com/cakephp/cakephp/releases).

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