Saturday, October 29, 2011

The new 2.0 Exceptions

One needs to get used to them, I guess.
My current problem is that exceptions jump out of the current method
if triggered.

So in test cases for example not all tests get executed.
This can be a good thing.
But sometimes it would be better if it behaved like errors in 1.3

lets say we are testing an Inflector method.
And we use a testInflector() method and 10-20 asserts.
If the first one fails, all others won't even be triggered. What if
all would pass except the first one?
It would help to see them all at once.

Or the other way around.
The first one fails - and it displays: 1 fail. (it used to display all
fails - like 14 fails).
Now we could make the false assumption that 13 of 14 pass...
At the beginning I didnt even notice that most of the asserts of some
test cases are not checked due to a single fail.

Yes, I could make an own method for each and every assert.
But I was kinda hoping that they can be adjusted to not jump out of
the current method...
at least for test cases this would help :)

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