Thursday, October 25, 2012

Help with Deployment: CakePHP App (AppServer) behind Firewall with a Seperate WebServer

I am lost here. We need to deploy our first CakePHP application using 3-tier architecture as follows. My CakePHP already works on my localhost however, we need to place CakePHP app inside firewall and have webserver outside firewall that actually processes user requests.

How can we deploy something like this?. We need to protect all the code written (Controllers, Models, Views) in CakePHP by keeping it behind firewall. 

Required Architecture:

1. Web Server -  Just receives requests/sends responses back to the user. This is outside firewall.

2. App Server - This is where we have CakePHP code. Receives Requests 'Only' from webserver and processes requests using CakePHP M-V-C and responds to WebServer.

3. Database Server - This is where we have Database engine running. This server receives requests from AppServer. CakePHP AppServer simply connects to this Database Server.

As of now, my localhost has Web/AppServer running. I don't like this architecture as my localhost has CakePHP code developed by us.

Any ideas...I thought this is no brainer but now, I am perplexed as how I can split WebServer and AppServer(CakePHP). 

Blues Clues

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