Sunday, January 26, 2014

CakePHP 2.4.5 Released

The CakePHP core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 2.4.5. 2.4.5 is a bugfix release for the 2.4 release branch. A short list of the changes you can expect is:

* Generated DOM ids for radios and checkboxes should now be collision free when using non-alphanumeric values.
* The postgres driver now quotes schema names. This solves issues with legacy schemas using special characters.
* Translate behavior now correctly handles translated values of '0'.
* Controller baking now provides better feedback when no controllers are generated.
* Datetime inputs will not select year 0 when the selected value is '0000-00-00'. This improves compatibility with MySQL.
* Schema creation with the connection parameter now works as expected.
* URLs are no longer double URL decoded. This fixes lost data when named parameters or path segments contain values that look like URL encoded data.
* Model::updateCounterCache() no longer triggers a notice error when $this->data is empty.

You can view the full changelog on[1]. I'd like to thank the people who have contributed to this release. Your bug tickets, documentation edits, and patches/pull requests are a big part of what keeps CakePHP alive and ticking. Download a packaged release on github[2].

### Links

* [1]
* [2]

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