Sunday, February 22, 2015

Re: Still having trouble with saving BelongsToMany data

Thanks for responding.

So i might NOT be crazy???

The 3 you identified as the ID isn't - it's the array index for that listing field. See the inputs again. "Parking" is index 3, its record ID is 1. i wouldn't want to insert 3 as the listings_attributes.attribute_id.

i re-baked the Tables, Entity, and Controller classes as you suggested. While there were some minor discrepancies i merged into the originals, it doesn't seem the re-bakes are working either.

The chief difference in the controller:
// i've also tried a few variants of this, where either nothing gets saved, or only the Listing record.
= $this->Listings->newEntity($this->request->data, ['associated' => ['Attributes._joinData']]);
$listing = $this->Listings->newEntity();
= $this->Listings->patchEntity($listing, $this->request->data);

Just as you reported, i can manage to save the Listings record under some variations, but never the ListingsAttributes record(s). i can't see anything in the documentation i'm skipping, either. Also as you mentioned, when i patch the Listing entity (or create it directly from request data), the association (attributes) data from request disappears.

i was actually surprised by the docs update, which is why i came back to revisit this issue. Even with the updated documentation, i haven't managed to make the joint table data save. i suppose i'll have to force it in by creating a separate entity, but i don't think that's how the Cake magic is supposed to work...

Thanks for following up, and (at least tentatively) confirming i'm not insane with this issue. ;-)

On Sunday, 22 February 2015 17:39:52 UTC-5, heavyKevy wrote:
I took the time to construct a test project with the 3 join tables and was able to get data that looks like the documentation requires, but it refuses to save.
The joint marshaller chokes because no listing_id, and no attribute_id is found when marshalling the _joinData.

I don't see in the documentation what else needs to be included to ensure that the attributes are saved.

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