Thursday, March 26, 2015

Re: Very basic question about the 'CakePHP Project Files'

Thanks for your input again Dave,

You wrote  ...
The map issue is almost certainly not a specific CakePHP issue, but rather a javascript one. Basically when you make a call to the Google maps api, you specify which point on the map that you want to be displayed as the centre. '"5253 Murray Bridge"' has been used as the centre of all of your maps. This needs to be changed to the location of the business that you want displayed.

 Ok, that makes sense. Somehow I feel my requests were always either misunderstood  ... or perhaps they just couldn't be bothered.

Any business or service without a physical address probably could use the display as it is  ... but the other 95% of listings should display as I've indicated.

The search radio button is a CakePHP issue. I would guess that as this search parameter is not a database field it is not being passed back from the relevant controller to the view, so that it correctly reflects the previously chosen option.

Mmm  ...  so do you think that is something reasonably easily fixed  ...  or a major job?  Again, I could never understand why they couldn't see what I was looking for and fix it  ...  to me it is very clearly an error in function.

The only thing I understand is that there is only one database  ...  and all listings are lumped in together  ...  the only thing that differentiates between the two is  ..  the column for 'located IN M/B'  Yes/No

Therefore all the listings in the city are 'Yes' and all others within the surrounding 25km radius are 'No'.

One other thing that I have noticed is that it appears as though nearly all requests go through the same controller 'homes'. The normal CakePHP convention is that the controller name normally reflects the database table that it is reading/writing to. Without knowing your schema, I don't know why they've done that. That said, ultimately if it works it works! :)

Now that statement I don't understand   ...  remember I'm an end user  ...  not a coder  ...  haha. 

Having said that  ...  apart from the wrong convention  ...  is it likely to cause any problems  ...  slow down the process or hang it up at times??? Is it something I should plan on addressing too?

So do you do this as paid work Dave  ...  or is this just a very in-depth hobby?

Again, I can't thank you enough for your help and explanations.

Regards,  Roger

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