Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Redirect Loop


I'm having the weirdest Cake error with my code. When the code below calls the add() method (also reproduced here and from a different controller), the code redirects him back the edit() action (in essence, to the user it appears as if nothing happens). To further complicate matters, when I call the same URL when I'm not on that page (despite the pages not being reliant on each other), I get redirected to the base of my app, which results in a redirect loop. I tried calling other methods from this controller (with their proper arguments) to see if this was just a problem with the add() action, but I get the same redirect loop.

Here is the relevant code:
function edit($id=null) {
if(!$id) {
'action' => 'index')

else {
//Get the slides themselves
$slides = $this->Slide->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Slide.module_id' => $id)));
$this->set('slides', $slides);
//Get the data for the Module
$module = $this->Module->find('first',
'conditions' => array (
'Module.id' => $id
'fields' => array(
And here is the add() code (again, from a different module):
function add($module = null) {
if ($this->request->is('get')) {
                        //Set some variables for the view (this code I know works as it has been used successfully elsewhere
else { //User is POSTing

Thanks to everyone in advance; I couldn't do this without your support!


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