Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Re: Blowfish password hashing in 2.4.0-RC2 issues

Okay, I've finally managed to resolve this, it was a basic mistake. Here's what I did:

I debugged the post data and saw that in $this->request->data, my login fields were under the key 'customer_users' (which is the name of my users table)
[customer_users] => Array
[username] =>
[password] => abcdefg1234567

I had assumed that so long as there was a username and password field in my POST data, the login would work.

In my login.ctp, I have the following code to generate my login form:

echo $this->Form->create(),
$this->Form->end("Log In");

I changed it to the following:

echo $this->Form->create('User'),
$this->Form->end("Log In");

.. and the logins now work. I didn't see any error specifying that the Auth component couldn't see any credentials in the post - it'd have saved me a lot of time. 

My users table has a habtm relationship with customer_orgs, is there a way to have the Auth component return data from linked tables?

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