Monday, December 23, 2013

CakePHP 2.4.4 released

The CakePHP core team is proud to announce the immediate availability of CakePHP 2.4.4. 2.4.4 is a bugfix release for the 2.4 release branch. A short list of the changes you can expect is:

* TextHelper::autoLink() now handles email addresses inside URLs correctly.
* Pagination request data is set even when a NotFoundException is raised now.
* Model::deleteAll will only delete distinct records now.
* Router::mapResources() now ensures that the prefix has both the leading and trailing slash.
* An infinite loop condition in CakeSession was fixed. This could be triggered by starting an already invalidated session.
* Hash::numeric() now works as expected with negative numbers and other numeric values.
* The 'my' and 'ym' formats for Validation::date() have been relaxed to allow both 2 and 4 digit year values.
* FormHelper will not infer types incorrectly when type=checkbox is provided.
* Postgres biginteger primary keys now correctly use the bigserial type.
* FormHelper::dateTime() correctly handles times around 12:00:00 when an interval is also used.
* Hash::combine() now throws exceptions when the key and value paths result in arrays of differing lengths.
* CakeRequest::referer() no longer incorrectly reads the HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST header.
* CakeRequest::host() now has a trustProxy parameter that allows access to the proxy host value.

You can view the full changelog on[1]. I'd like to thank the people who have contributed to this release. Your bug tickets, documentation edits, and patches/pull requests are a big part of what keeps CakePHP alive and ticking. Download a packaged release on github[2].

### Links

* [1]
* [2]

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