Monday, March 30, 2009

Why is validation called twice?

Ive noticed this numerous times when creating my own methods for model
validation. When I do a debug() within the method, it outputs the data
twice, which means the validation is happening twice. Now this hasnt
been a problem until now. Im trying to get recaptcha working correctly
using model validation, heres my code:

* Validate recaptcha
* @param array $data
* @return boolean
function recaptcha($data) {
App::import('Vendor', 'recaptcha', array('file' => 'recaptcha.php'));
$private = Configure::read('Settings.captcha_private');
$public = Configure::read('Settings.captcha_public');

$verify = recaptcha_check_answer($private, env('REMOTE_ADDR'), $this-
>data[$this->name]['recaptcha_challenge'], $this->data[$this->name]


return ($verify->is_valid) ? true : false;

And the model validation:

'recaptcha' => array(
'recaptcha' => array(
'rule' => array('recaptcha'),
'message' => 'captchaFailed'

The problem is that recaptcha is valid the first time, but since it
validates twice, it fails the second time, thus causing my form never
to validate. As you can see in the debug below, its called twice.

app/app_model.php (line 157)

ReCaptchaResponse Object
[is_valid] => 1
[error] =>

app/app_model.php (line 157)

ReCaptchaResponse Object
[is_valid] =>
[error] => incorrect-captcha-sol

How am I to fix this problem?
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