Saturday, January 31, 2009

Upgrade to Cake 1.2.1 stable problems


I was running Cake RC3 with a model that has a $belongsTo
from the PortfolioTag table to the Portfolio table. I could run this
Find statement.

$count = $this->$documentsTagsModel->find('count',array

And it out generate this SQL statement.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `portfolio_tags` AS `PortfolioTag`
LEFT JOIN `portfolio` AS `Portfolio` ON (`PortfolioTag`.`portfolio_id`
= `Portfolio`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `tags` AS `Tag` ON
(`PortfolioTag`.`tag_id` = `Tag`.`id`) WHERE `tag_id` = 1 AND
`published` = 1 AND `front_page` = 1

After upgrading to Cake 1.2.1 Stable the same Find generates this SQL
statement which missing the LEFT JOIN so it fails.

SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `portfolio_tags` AS `PortfolioTag`
WHERE `tag_id` = 7 AND `published` = 1 AND `front_page` = 1

How do I fix this?

Changing the recursive value for the find doesn't seem to fix the
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