Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Latest CakePHP build 8120 Warning

Hey fellas,

just popped in the new build 8120 in my app (without any changes to
the controllers etc. I'm getting this warning:
Warning (2): Illegal offset type in isset or empty [APP/cake/libs/
cache.php, line 233]

I'm not sure if anyone else has gotten this warning so I'm posting in
hopes to resolve this or maybe aide in helping resolve it if it seems
like a bug. The only thing caching wise would be in the
app_controller, like this:

$categoriesMenu = Cache::read('categoriesMenu');
if (empty($categoriesMenu)) {
$categoriesMenu = $this->Tag->getAllCategories();
Cache::write('categoriesMenu', $categoriesMenu, array
('duration'=>2592000)); // 2 days cache

But that's not line 233, it's just where I'm using the caching system,
so it may need an extram param added, I don't know.

Thanks for your time
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