Monday, September 28, 2009

Model Associations on legacy tables with no primary keys

I have a legacy database and I am unfotunately unable to change the
table structure.

I have the following tables:
scheduled_models (no primary key set, but should be model_id)
model_id int(11) auto_increment
model_name varchar(15)
... and other fields

schedule_dates (again no primary key, but should have a separate id
date datetime
model_name varchar(15)

scheduled_pics (again no primary key set, but should be pic_id)
pic_id int(11)
model_name varchar(15)
.... and other fields

I have a model for each and I am trying to link them together. The
relationships should be (as best I understand) a scheduled_model
belongsTo schedule_date, a schedule_date hasMany scheduled_model, a
scheduled_model hasMany schedule_pic and a scheduled_pic belongsTo a

Nothing I have tried works and I think part of it is because the
tables have no primary keys defined, and part because the foreign keys
are a little odd.

Currently, my models are as follows:
PHP Code
class ScheduledModel extends AppModel{
var $name = "ScheduledModel";

var $belongsTo = array('ScheduledDate' =>
array ( foreignKey => false,
conditions => array
('ScheduledDate.model_name' => 'ScheduledModel.model_name')));
var $hasMany = "ScheduledPic";

PHP Code
class ScheduleDate extends AppModel{
var $name = "ScheduleDate";

var $hasMany = array('ScheduledModel' =>
array ( foreignKey => false,
conditions => array
('ScheduledModel.model_name' => 'ScheduledDate.model_name')));

PHP Code
class ScheduledPic extends AppModel{
var $name = "ScheduledPic";

var $belongsTo = "ScheduledModel";

Please help with getting these relationships defined. I am a beginner
with cakePHP, and remember they are lagacy tables so cannot be



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