Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Re: Simple Acl controlled application

i want the source of this tutorial. my aplication return the follow erros:

Warning (512): AclNode::node() - Couldn't find Aro node identified by "Array
[Aro0.model] => User
[Aro0.foreign_key] => 3
" [CORE\cake\libs\model\db_acl.php, line 191]

Code | Context

$ref = array(
"Aro0.model" => "User",
"Aro0.foreign_key" => "3"
$this = Aro
Aro::$name = "Aro"
Aro::$hasAndBelongsToMany = array
Aro::$cacheQueries = false
Aro::$actsAs = array
Aro::$useDbConfig = "default"
Aro::$useTable = "aros"
Aro::$displayField = "id"
Aro::$id = false
Aro::$data = array
Aro::$table = "aros"
Aro::$primaryKey = "id"
Aro::$_schema = array
Aro::$validate = array
Aro::$validationErrors = array
Aro::$tablePrefix = ""
Aro::$alias = "Aro"
Aro::$tableToModel = array
Aro::$logTransactions = false
Aro::$transactional = false
Aro::$belongsTo = array
Aro::$hasOne = array
Aro::$hasMany = array
Aro::$Behaviors = BehaviorCollection object
Aro::$whitelist = array
Aro::$cacheSources = true
Aro::$findQueryType = NULL
Aro::$recursive = 1
Aro::$order = NULL
Aro::$__exists = NULL
Aro::$__associationKeys = array
Aro::$__associations = array
Aro::$__backAssociation = array
Aro::$__insertID = NULL
Aro::$__numRows = NULL
Aro::$__affectedRows = NULL
Aro::$_findMethods = array
Aro::$_log = NULL
Aro::$Aco = Aco object
Aro::$Permission = Permission object
$db = DboMysql
DboMysql::$description = "MySQL DBO Driver"
DboMysql::$_baseConfig = array
DboMysql::$startQuote = "`"
DboMysql::$endQuote = "`"
DboMysql::$_useAlias = true
DboMysql::$_commands = array
DboMysql::$columns = array
DboMysql::$index = array
DboMysql::$alias = "AS "
DboMysql::$fieldCache = array
DboMysql::$__bypass = true
DboMysql::$__sqlOps = array
DboMysql::$connected = true
DboMysql::$fullDebug = true
DboMysql::$error = NULL
DboMysql::$affected = 0
DboMysql::$numRows = 0
DboMysql::$took = 1
DboMysql::$_result = resource
DboMysql::$_queriesCnt = 1
DboMysql::$_queriesTime = 1
DboMysql::$_queriesLog = array
DboMysql::$_queriesLogMax = 200
DboMysql::$_queryCache = array
DboMysql::$__descriptions = array
DboMysql::$_sources = array
DboMysql::$connection = resource
DboMysql::$config = array
DboMysql::$configKeyName = "default"
DboMysql::$_transactionStarted = false
DboMysql::$cacheSources = true
DboMysql::$_log = NULL
DboMysql::$__booleans = array
DboMysql::$results = resource
DboMysql::$map = array
$type = "Aro"
$result = array()
$table = "aros"
$name = "User"
$model = User
User::$name = "User"
User::$validate = array
User::$belongsTo = array
User::$hasMany = array
User::$useDbConfig = "default"
User::$useTable = "users"
User::$displayField = "id"
User::$id = false
User::$data = array
User::$table = "users"
User::$primaryKey = "id"
User::$_schema = array
User::$validationErrors = array
User::$tablePrefix = ""
User::$alias = "User"
User::$tableToModel = array
User::$logTransactions = false
User::$transactional = false
User::$cacheQueries = false
User::$hasOne = array
User::$hasAndBelongsToMany = array
User::$actsAs = NULL
User::$Behaviors = BehaviorCollection object
User::$whitelist = array
User::$cacheSources = true
User::$findQueryType = NULL
User::$recursive = 1
User::$order = NULL
User::$__exists = NULL
User::$__associationKeys = array
User::$__associations = array
User::$__backAssociation = array
User::$__insertID = NULL
User::$__numRows = NULL
User::$__affectedRows = NULL
User::$_findMethods = array
User::$_log = NULL
User::$Group = Group object
User::$Post = Post object
$tmpRef = null
$val = "3"
$key = "foreign_key"
$queryData = array(
"conditions" => array(
"Aro0.model" => "User",
"Aro0.foreign_key" => "3"
"fields" => array(
"joins" => array(
"order" => "`Aro`.`lft` DESC"

if (!$result) {
trigger_error("AclNode::node() - Couldn't find {$type}
node identified by \"" . print_r($ref, true) . "\"", E_USER_WARNING);

AclNode::node() - CORE\cake\libs\model\db_acl.php, line 191
DbAcl::check() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\acl.php, line 235
AclComponent::check() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\acl.php, line 89
AuthComponent::isAuthorized() -
CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\auth.php, line 480
AuthComponent::startup() -
CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\auth.php, line 402
Component::startup() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\component.php, line 112
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 210
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 194
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 88

Warning (512): DbAcl::check() - Failed ARO/ACO node lookup in
permissions check. Node references:
Aro: Array
[User] => Array
[id] => 3
[username] => heat
[group_id] => 1
[created] => 2009-09-29 17:36:20
[modified] => 2009-09-29 17:36:20


Aco: controllers/Pages/display
[CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\acl.php, line 239]

Code | Context

$aro = array(
"User" => array(
"id" => "3",
"username" => "heat",
"group_id" => "1",
"created" => "2009-09-29 17:36:20",
"modified" => "2009-09-29 17:36:20"
$aco = "controllers/Pages/display"
$action = "*"
$permKeys = array(
$aroPath = array()
$acoPath = false

if (empty($aroPath) || empty($acoPath)) {
trigger_error("DbAcl::check() - Failed ARO/ACO node lookup
in permissions check. Node references:\nAro: " . print_r($aro, true)
. "\nAco: " . print_r($aco, true), E_USER_WARNING);

DbAcl::check() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\acl.php, line 239
AclComponent::check() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\acl.php, line 89
AuthComponent::isAuthorized() -
CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\auth.php, line 480
AuthComponent::startup() -
CORE\cake\libs\controller\components\auth.php, line 402
Component::startup() - CORE\cake\libs\controller\component.php, line 112
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 210
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE\cake\dispatcher.php, line 194
[main] - APP\webroot\index.php, line 88

Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
by (output started at C:\xampp\htdocs\cake\cake\basics.php:109)
[CORE\cake\libs\controller\controller.php, line 644]

2009/9/22 Chippo <>:
> Hi
> I was wondering if any of you could help me, I have been trying to
> follow the tutorial in the book...
> But I've run into some problems and its pecking my head lol. Is there
> any chance one of you has a working copy of the source I can download
> to see where Im going wrong?
> Any response is greatly appreciated.
> Chippo
> >

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