Sunday, August 30, 2009

Re: Joining two arrays to use in a Select box with the formhelper

Not one to give up easily, if at all... I gave it another try. I
remember reading a post somewhere that an easy way to add an entry to
the beginning of a dropdown list was like this:

echo $form->input(
'options' => array('Please pick a country') + $counties

So I experimented in the ajax_dropdown.ctp file and did this:

<?php $options = array('Pick me!') + $options; ?>
<?php foreach($options AS $k=>$v) : ?>
<option value="<?php echo $k; ?>"><?php echo $v; ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Now it works! I can tell the ajax observeField is firing the
ajax_dropdown.ctp because I get "Pick me!" as the first entry and all
the elements in the dropdown are correct in name and in id value.


Is there a better way to do this, or just be glad it does and move on?

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