Monday, September 29, 2008

migration to 1.2

Hi I was migrating an appilcation on mine to 1.2. Everything works
fine, except for the select fields in forms. I would like to know hoew
to remove labels from the list. Another problem (i'll try to explain
as better as I can) is with data. I've a table with 3 fields, name,
last_name, ID. In my table there are only 2 records and they are: ID:
1, Name: Steven, Last_name: Warren. The other is ID:2, Name: Max,
Last_name: Test. Well in my select I've 6 selectable data. I have this
choices: "1", "Steven", "Worren", "2", "Max", "Test".

Here's my code (add.ctp):

<td><?php echo $form->label('Practice/lawyer_id',
<td><?php echo $form->select('Practice/lawyer_id', $lawyers, $form-
>value('Practice/lawyer_id'), array (), array(), true);?></td>
<td><?php echo $form->error('Practice/lawyer_id', 'Seleziona un
avvocato.') ?></td></tr>

(and my controller)

$this->set('lawyers', $this->Practice->Lawyer-
>findAll(null,'last_name','last_name ASC',null,null,-1));
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